After a series of disastrous missteps in its conduct of the war, the White House in 2006 appointed General David Petraeus as the Commanding General of the coalition forces. Tell Me How This Ends is an inside account of his attempt to turn around a failing war. Linda Robinson conducted extensive interviews with Petraeus and his subordinate commanders and spent weeks with key U.S. and Iraqi divisions. The result is the only book that ties together military operations in Iraq and the internecine political drama that is at the heart of the civil war. Replete with dramatic battles, behind-doors confrontations, and astute analysis, the book tells the full story of the Iraq War's endgame, and lays out the options that will be facing the next president when he or she takes office in January 2009.
Iraq War covers all the background material necessary to understand the circumstances surrounding this particular military undertaking.
Jonathan S. Landay, "More Iraqis supporting resistance, CIA report says,” Knight Ridder Newspapers, November 11 2003. 176. Anthony Shadid, Night Draws Near, ...
Discusses life in Mesopotamia a long time ago where each city had its own king and there were always wars so life was tough and you could end up a slave.
German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder said " A bad decision was taken : the choice of the logic of war has won over the chances for peace . French President Jacques Chirac , as expected , was » 22 » 23 22 « Wave of Protests , From Europe ...
Written in British English, In The Iraq War, significant events that shaped the war are explored, including the background to war, the clashes over weapons inspections, the fall of Saddam Hussein, the worsening violence inside Iraq, the ...
Examines the history, culture, and future of Iraq.
书名原文:The archaeology of mesopotamia
Conqueror follows upon the heels of conqueror, nations are overthrown and cities topple down into the dust, but the conditions of existence are unaltered and irresistibly they fashion the new age in the likeness of the old. “Amurath an ...
This report assesses the impact that Islamic State control and governance have on local economies in Iraq and Syria, offering detailed evidence of electricity shortages, refugee flows, and other changes in economic activity inside the ...
It is the first volume to capture the entire sweep of Mesopotamia's four major ancient cultures (Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian, Babylonian) in one concise and captivating volume.