2015 Kobo Emerging Writer Prize — Shortlisted, Non-Fiction In Irresponsible Government, former MP Brent Rathgeber takes Parliament to task for its failure to hold the government to account. Irresponsible Government examines the current state of Canadian democracy in contrast to the founding principles of responsible government established by the Fathers of Confederation in 1867. The book examines the failure of modern elected representatives to perform their constitutionally mandated duty to hold the prime minister and his cabinet to account. It further examines the modern lack of separation between the executive and legislative branches of government and the disregard with which the executive views Parliament. The book seeks to shine light on the current power imbalances that have developed in Canadian government. Through an examination of the foundation principles of our parliamentary system and their subsequent erosion, Irresponsible Government seeks methods through which we can begin to recalibrate and correct these power imbalances and restore electoral accountability.
Statistics Canada, “Ontario: Aboriginal People: Table 1,” Focuson Geography, NHS 2011, modified April 17, 2014, www12.statcan.gc.ca/nhsenm/2011/assa/fogsspg/Pages/Fog.cfm? lang=E&level=2&GeoCode=35. 6.
What can explain such a situation? This is what this book is discussing.
Irresponsible Government: The Development of Political Attitudes and Alignments in the New South Wales Legislative Council 1843-1855
It commits to higher money supply in the future so that the private sector expects inflation instead of deflation. This is optimal, since it curbs deflation and increases output by lowering the real rate of return.
The transformation of Western European Party Systems was associated with the emergence of a new model of party organization: the cartel party. The cartel party differs from previous party models...
Part I: Why Government is Good. The section of the book describes how government acts as a force for good in society.
This paperback edition also features a new foreword by Glenn Beck.
This book makes the case for constitutional reform in a new and original way.
David R. Mayhew, Divided We Govern (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2005), http://yalepress.yale.edu/yupbooks/book.asp?isbn=9780300102888. 17. Paul Kane, “Reid, Democrats Trigger 'Nuclear' Option; Eliminate Most Filibusters on ...