IN TOO DEEP With Christmas just around the corner, Cobie MacBride wants closure in the case of her missing father. But when a visit to the last place he was seen leads to an attack by a masked assailant, Cobie knows she's in over her head. Running for her life, she never expected to find safety with Adam Warren—the man she blames for her brother's death. Seeking answers leads them to a treasure ship, buried secrets…and deadly danger. Christmas could find them starting a new future—if they can avoid getting trapped in the perils of the past. MOUNTAIN COVE: In the Alaskan wilderness, love and danger collide
Neither do they realize that the policies of the submerged state shower their largest benefits on the most affluent Americans, exacerbating inequality.
"--Publishers Weekly "Combining romance, danger, and a dose of Russian history, the novel proves a rapid and entertaining read.
Experience a kaleidoscope of real-life underwater missions, ranging from ancient ruins covered by reservoirs in the desert Southwest to a World War II submarine off the Alaskan coast; from the Isle Royale shipwrecks in the frigid Lake ...
This book focuses on the remarkably diverse roles played by underwater plants, and is divided into three parts: 10 thematic chapters, followed by 18 case studies, and rounded off by three integrative chapters.
Compelled by conscience and curiosity, former Cincinnati Enquirer reporter Janice (Morse) Hisle-who covered the saga of Ryan and Sarah Widmer from the start-dug deep for material that tells the untold tale: dozens of interviews, 6,000 pages ...
Sure to delight anyone interested in diving, archeology, American history, adventure, and rescure missions, this fast-paced volume brings an entirely new perspective to the marvels of America's underwater treasures.
Sophiology, as this book shows, is not a rogue theology, but a way of perceiving that which shines through the cosmos: a way that can return metaphysics to postmodern thought and facilitate a (re)union of religion, science, and art.
This book describes the physical, chemical and biological processes operating in submerged soils and governing their properties.
Steege, Paul, Andrew Stuart Bergerson, Maureen Healy, and Pamela E. Swett. “The History of Everyday Life: A Second Chapter.” Journal of Modern History 80, no. 2 (June 2008): 358–78. Tec, Nechama. “Helping Behavior and Rescue during the ...
This volume brings readers face to face with these wonders and explains the science behind their creation. Ocean enthusiasts, divers, art lovers, and anyone entranced by the natural world will be instantly engrossed by this pearl of a book.