"Objectives: To determine the effectiveness of specialized nurses who have a clinical role in patient care in optimizing chronic disease management among adults in the primary health care setting"--Page 4.
This book focuses on optimizing management and outcomes rather than on routine diagnosis of chronic disease. The reader learns proven methods for treating the most common chronic conditions that they see in daily practice.
Scottish Government (2007a) Characteristics of Adults in Scotland with Long Term Conditions: An Analysis of Scottish Household and ... Wagner E.H. (1998) Chronic disease management: what will it take to improve care for chronic illness?
In direct response to this development, this handbook is a practical guide to nursing in co-operation with other health care professionals within community settings.
2007 AJN Book of the Year Award Winner Now you can get back to the part of your job that matters most...caring for your patients!
Harwell, T. S., Casten, R.J., Armstrong, K. A., Dempsey, S., Coons, H. L., & Davis, M. (1998) Results of a domestic violence training program offered to ... Retrieved from http://jiv.sagepub.com/content/29/10/1894.full.pdf+html Miller, ...
Diabetes is a chronic illness of epidemic proportion. Nursing practice in this specialty area emphasizes patient education and self-management in all settings. Standards of care and professional practice and their...
An Interdisciplinary Approach Geraldine M. Collins-Bride, JoAnne M. Saxe. TABLE 12-1 Revisions to Medication Guide Medication Guide Antidepressant Medicines, Depression and Other Serious Mental Illnesses, and Suicidal Thoughts or ...
This text provides a comprehensive overview of the role of the nurse in managing chronic conditions across various settings.
The Future of Primary Care explores the organization and delivery of primary care to address the needs of our future population. Expert contributors include Barbara Starfield, Dana Gelb Safran, Bernard...
confirmation of a patient's diagnosis, if not already recorded, requires medical input. ... Medical Press, Oxford. Wakley G., Chambers R. and Ellis S. (2004) Demonstrating Your Competence 3: cardiovascular and neurological conditions.