Macschrodinger's Cat: The Strange Tale of the Cat and the Universe

Macschrodinger's Cat: The Strange Tale of the Cat and the Universe
Jim O'Brien, Reed De Buch


The Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics gate crashes the Mad Hatter's Tea Party. A world where Erwin Schrodinger is a wild red haired Scotsman and the universe we know has nothing to do with reality: "Gentlemen, my name is MacSchrodinger!" he cried, rolling out the broad Scottish accent, "It was maself who discovered this type of cat yer're been 'erre discussing ... and I think, tha' therre few things yer should need to know abut this 'erre beastie." A deep silence fell into the room as everybody looked expectantly towards the newcomer. He stood spotlighted by the dust sparkling in the beams of light, which shot through the darkness of the room to carve a day in the dark of the theatre. The rabbit woke up and poked its head up over the edge of the box. "As yer very well know indeed," said MacSchrodinger slowly and with distinct care as he made his way down the stairs," a few years aego while on a big game hunting expedition in Cheshire; on tha dark and terrable continent called England," the 'RRR's' thrilled through the air, "that I first discovered this extraordinary species of Cat!" He spat the word out. "At great risk to myself, mind ye, and with a terrible loss of life to ma hunting party." He now stood in front of them, before the blackboard and resting his hands on the box in which the rabbit cowered within. "Ach, nae doubt yer have read in the popular press," he paused as if to show his contempt of that institution," of the extra-orrdinary events that took place on the expedition. Of the terrible, terrible battle that took ocurred twixt the camps baker and the deadly, deadly Jabberwocky! And how we lost the self-same baker in his last heroic final conflict with tha' terrible, terrible Boojum Quark!&quo

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