Bible Based Businesses: Biblical Principles for True Success in Business and Life

Bible Based Businesses: Biblical Principles for True Success in Business and Life
Business & Economics
Createspace Independent Pub
Jeff Testerman


You can have a profitable business based upon Biblical principles, without sacrificing integrity, honesty, or profitability. There are certain principles that when applied work universally to prosper a business. These principles were put in to place by God for His creation to use. God designed this world to best operate under His laws. When we follow His laws things tend to go well. When we break His laws we get broken. Most secular business books and self-help books fall short because they extol the strengths of men and do not go far enough in giving the glory to God. Some have even taken God's principles and taught them as if they were their own or have given credit to some unnamed higher power. God laws are for the seen and the unseen or what we call the physical and the spiritual. Even non-Christians experience blessings when they apply God's principles in both the physical and spiritual realm. The sad part is they don't give Him glory when things go well. (But when things go bad you often hear them taking His name in vain.) We want to encourage Christian Business Owners to boldly give credit to our God who put these laws into place, who created us with the amazing abilities and capabilities of our mind, soul, and body and who gives us the very breath we breathe to live and prosper. One amazing thing about our God is His great mercy. Even when the world does not give Him the glory He deserves, He still blesses them. Jesus said that the Father sends His rain on the just and on the unjust. And Paul the Apostle tells us that it is the kindness of God that leads men to repentance. Our goal as Christian Business Owners is to first and foremost glorify God in our life and business. We choose to acknowledge Him in all our ways.

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