Building on the foundations laid in his Introduction to Superstrings and M Theory, Professor Kaku discusses such topics as the classification of conformal string theories, knot theory, the Yang-Baxter relation, quantum groups, and the insights into 11-dimensional strings recently obtained from M-theory. New chapters discuss such topics as Seiberg-Witten theory, M theory and duality, and D-branes. Throughout, the author conveys the vitality of the current research and places readers at its forefront. Several chapters reviewing the fundamentals of string theory, making the presentation of the material self-contained while keeping overlap with the earlier book to a minimum.
Strings, Conformal Fields, and Topology: An Introduction
This is a course-tested comprehensive introductory graduate text on superstrings which stresses the most current areas of interest, not covered in other presentation, including: string field theory, multi loops, Teichmueller spaces, ...
Callan, C. G., Lovelace, C., Nappi, C. R., and Yost, S. A. (1988). Loop corrections to superstring equations of motion. Nucl. Phys., B308, 221. Callan, C. G., Martinec, E. J., Perry, M. J., and Friedan, D. (1985).
This is because the develop ment of superstring theory has been unlike that of any other theory, such as general relativity, which began with a geometry and an action and later evolved into a quantum theory.
The purpose of this book is to thoroughly prepare the reader for research in string theory at an intermediate level.
Based on class-tested notes, this text offers an introduction to Conformal Field Theory with a special emphasis on computational techniques of relevance for String Theory.
This volume covers the most up-to-date findings on string field theory.
Detailed, step-by-step introduction to the theoretical foundations of strings and branes, essential reading for graduate students and researchers.
Phys. B125 (1977) 1; H. Osborne, Phys. Lett. B83 (1979) 321. A. Givedn, M. Porrati, and E. Rabinovici, Phys. Rep. 244 (1994) 77. E. Witten and D. Olive, Phys. Lett. 78B (1978) 97; G. Gibbons and C. Hull, Phys. Lett. 109B (1982) 190.
S. A. Hartnoll, A. Lucas, and S. Sachdev, “Holographic Quantum Matter,” arXiv:1612.07324 [hep-th]. A. Chamblin, R. Emparan, C. V. Johnson, and R. C. Myers, “Charged AdS Black Holes and Catastrophic Holography,” ...