Ecosystem management has emerged in the past several years as the new paradigm for managing public and private land. It combines the principles of ecosystem-level ecology with the policy requirements of resource and public land management. This collection of selected readings will serve as an introduction to the concepts of biological diversity, ecological process, biotic integrity, and ecological sustainability that underlie ecosystem management.
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Stelzer , Irwin M. , and Howard P. Kitt . 1986. Selected Antitrust Cases . Homewood , IL : Richard D. Irwin , Inc. Stone , Christopher D. 1972. Should Trees Have Standing ? Toward Legal Rights for Natural Objects .
To their credit, the researchers foresaw the difficulty and, based on the failure of the Mitchell and Carson attempt, chose another approach. Rather than try to create a scenario in which groundwater would be Where We Are and Where We ...
It is now widely recognized that the trajectory of degradation in the world's oceans is extensive (Shackeroffet al., chap. 3 of this volume), has negative consequences for both ecosystems and associated human communities, ...
... 176 GOMA constitution as, 175 Chiles, Lawton, 230 Chumash Indians, 77, 90 Clean Water Act, 20–21, 99, 103, 108–109, 120 Clinton, Bill, 216–217 Cobb, Leesa, 2, 136–138, 152, 162, 191, 193,205, 221–222 advice by, 221–222 as leader, 2, ...
McLean and Pelton ( 1994 ) reported stable population growth in two national forests adjacent to the Smokies and reported a 5 % annual increase within the boundaries of the Park . Carney ( 1986 ) reported Shenandoah National Park bear ...
The book includes an introductory chapter by the editors and summary in which they outline a direction for ecosystem management in the next critical decades.
Recent advances in remote-sensing technology and the processing of remote-sensing data through geographic information systems (GIS) present ecologists and resource managers with a tremendously valuable tool -- but only if...
It examines the problems that threaten aquatic inland water ecosystems and presents a set of toolboxes for solving them. The book focuses on lakes, reservoirs, ponds, rivers,
This is an essential and accessible reference for all fisheries professionals who are currently practicing, or progressing towards, ecosystem-based fisheries management.