This popular and successful text was originally written for a one-semester course in linear algebra at the sophomore undergraduate level. Consequently, the book deals almost exclusively with real finite dimensional vector spaces, but in a setting and formulation that permits easy generalisation to abstract vector spaces. A wide selection of examples of vector spaces and linear transformation is presented to serve as a testing ground for the theory. In the second edition, a new chapter on Jordan normal form was added which reappears here in expanded form as the second goal of this new edition, after the principal axis theorem. To achieve these goals in one semester it is necessary to follow a straight path, but this is compensated by a wide selection of examples and exercises. In addition, the author includes an introduction to invariant theory to show that linear algebra alone is incapable of solving these canonical forms problems. A compact, but mathematically clean introduction to linear algebra with particular emphasis on topics in abstract algebra, the theory of differential equations, and group representation theory.
However the book is logically self-contained. In this new edition, many parts of the book have been rewritten and reorganized, and new exercises have been added.
This is a short text in linear algebra, intended for a one-term course.
Covers determinants, linear spaces, systems of linear equations, linear functions of a vector argument, coordinate transformations, the canonical form of the matrix of a linear operator, bilinear and quadratic forms, Euclidean spaces, ...
In short, this is material that many of us wish we had been taught as graduate students. Roughly the first third of the book covers the basic material of a first course in linear algebra.
While not designed as an introductory text, the book's well-chosen topics, brevity of presentation, and the author's reputation will recommend it to all students, teachers, and mathematicians working in this sector.
One of the best available works on matrix theory in the context of modern algebra, this text bridges the gap between ordinary undergraduate studies and completely abstract mathematics. 1952 edition.
But this follows immediately from the Cauchy—Schwartz inequality, which can be stated as cos6 : (X. y) llXll llyll Definition 10.9 (Orthogonal vectors) Suppose that V is an inner. The usefulness of this definition is in the concept of ...
Covers a notably broad range of topics, including some topics not generally found in linear algebra books Contains a discussion of the basics of linear algebra This is a graduate textbook covering an especially broad range of topics.
(60349-0) Lie Algebras, Nathan Jacobson. (63832-4) Greek Mathematical Thought and the Origin of Algebra, Jacob Klein. (27289-3) Theory and Application of 1nfinite Series, Konrad Knopp. (66165-2) Applied Analysis, Cornelius Lanczos.
A groundbreaking introduction to vectors, matrices, and least squares for engineering applications, offering a wealth of practical examples.