This second volume in the Advances in Environment, Behavior, and Design series follows the pattern of Volume 1. It is organized into six sections user group research, consisting of advances in theory, place research, sociobehavioral research, research and design methods, and research utilization. The authors of the chapters in this volume represent a range of disciplines, including architecture, geography, psychology, social ecology, and urban planning. They also offer international perspectives: Tommy Garling from Sweden, Graeme Hardie from South Africa (re cently relocated to North Carolina), Gerhard Kaminski from the Federal Republic of Germany, and Roderick Lawrence from Switzerland (for merly from Australia). Although most chapters address topics or issues that are likely to be familiar to readers (environmental perception and cognition, facility pro gramming, and environmental evaluation), four chapters address what the editors perceive to be new topics for environment, behavior, and design research. Herbert Schroeder reports on advances in research on urban for estry. For most of us the term forest probably conjures up visions of dense woodlands in rural or wild settings. Nevertheless, in many parts of the country, urban areas have higher densities of tree coverage than can be found in surrounding rural landscapes. Schroeder reviews re search that addresses the perceived and actual benefits and costs associ ated with these urban forests.
This third volume in Advances in Environment, Behavior, and Design fol lows the conceptual framework adopted in the previous two volumes (see the Preface to Volume 1, 1987).
Advances in Environment, Behavior, and Design
Advances in Environment, Behavior, and Design: Volume 1
This fourth volume in the Advances in Environment, Behavior, and Design series continues the intent of earlier volumes by exploring new directions in the multidisciplinary environment-behavior (EB or EBS) field.
Environmental Design Research Directions: Process and Prospects
... environmental design research. In E. Zube & G. Moore (eds), Advances in environment, behavior, and design (Vol. 3, pp. 3–52). New York and London: Plenum Press. Gutman, R. (1972). Site planning and social behavior. Journal of Social ...
Deutscher, I. Words and deeds: Social science and social policy. Social Problems, 1966, 13, 235–265. Dillman, D. A., and Christenson, J. A. The public value for pollution control. In W. R. Burch, Jr., N. H. Cheek, and L. Taylor (Eds.).
In this volume, psychologists, planners and architects discuss the present state of knowledge in environmental cognition, building and landscape assessment, aesthetics and decision-making.
Resources in Environment-behavior Studies: Ph. D. Program in Architecture, Concentration in Environment-behavior Studies
Originally published in 1985, this volume explores some of the issues characterizing work on health, environment, and behavior.