For the Sixth Course of the International School of Cosmology and Gravitation of the "Ettore Maj orana" Centre for Scientific Cul ture we choose as the principal topics torsion and supergravity, because in our opinion it is one of the principal tasks of today's theoretical physics to attempt to link together the theory of ele mentary particles and general relativity. Our aim was to delineate the present status of the principal efforts directed toward this end, and to explore possible directions of work in the near future. Efforts to incorporate spin as a dynamic variable into the foundations of the theory of gravitation were poineered by E. Cartan, whose contributions to this problem go back half a century. Accord ing to A. Trautman this so-called Einstein-Cartan theory is the sim plest and most natural modification of Einstein's 1916 theory. F. Hehl has contributed a very detailed and comprehensive analysis of this topic, original view of non-Riemannian space-time. Characteristic of Einstein-Cartan theories is the enrichment of Riemannian geometry by torsion, the non-symmetric part of the otherwise metric-compatible affine connection. Torsion has a impact on the theory of elementary particles. According to V. de Sabbata, weak interactions can be based on the Einstein-Cartan geometry, in that the Lagrangian describing weak interactions and torsion inter- action possess analogous structures, leading to a unification of weak and gravitational forces.
It examines different evolutionary models and the gravitational effects of massive bodies. The book also includes a large number of worked examples and problems, half with solutions.
A leading physicist delves into relativity and experimental applications Gravitation and Cosmology: Principles and Applications of the General Theory of Relativity offers a Nobel laureate's perspectives on the wealth...
The textbook introduces students to basic geometric concepts, such as metrics, connections and curvature, before examining general relativity in more detail.
An introduction to Einstein's general theory of relativity, this work is structured so that interesting applications, such as gravitational lensing, black holes and cosmology, can be presented without the readers having to first learn the ...
Cosmology and Gravitation
Gravitation, Cosmology, and Cosmic-Ray Physics
VII Brazilian School of Cosmology and Gravitation, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), August, 1993
This book provides a compilation of in-depth articles and reviews on key topics within gravitation, cosmology and related issues. It is a celebratory volume dedicated to Prof.
This text provides a quantitative introduction to general relativity for advanced undergraduate and graduate students.
This book describes several basic results and applications of global aspects in gravitation theory and cosmology within the framework of Einstein's theory of gravity. Topics include results on the structure...