Topics • what this book is about, • its intended audience, • what the reader ought to know, • how the book is organized, • acknowledgements. Specifications express information about a program that is not normally part of the program, and often cannot be expressed in a programming lan guage. In the past, the word "specification" has sometimes been used to refer to somewhat vague documentation written in English. But today it indicates a precise statement, written in a machine processable language, about the purpose and behavior of a program. Specifications are written in languages that are just as precise as programming languages, but have additional capabilities that increase their power of expression. The termi nology formal specification is sometimes used to emphasize the modern meaning. For us, all specifications are formal. The use of specifications as an integral part of a program opens up a whole new area of programming - progmmming with specifications. This book describes how to use specifications in the process of building programs, debugging them, and interfacing them with other programs. It deals with a new trend in programming - the evolution of specification languages from the current generation of programming languages. And it describes new strategies and styles of programming that utilize specifications. The trend is just beginning, and the reader, having finished this book, will viii Preface certainly see that there is much yet to be done and to be discovered about programming with specifications.
Providing a thorough treatment of most elementary program development techniques, this revised edition covers topics such as procedures, parameters, recursion and data refinement, with the integration of specification, development and...
Topics • what this book is about, • its intended audience, • what the reader ought to know, • how the book is organized, • acknowledgements.
This book is primarily intended as a general introductory textbook on transformational methodology. As with any methodology, reading and understanding is necessary but not sufficient.
Unique approach tackles what most books don't-why maths and logic are fundamental tools for a programmer This comprehensive guide is a balanced combination of mathematical theory and the practice...
Written by a world-renowned expert on programming methodology, and the winner of the 2008 Turing Award, this book shows how to build production-quality programs--programs that are reliable, easy to maintain,...
The main aim of this monograph is to provide a framework for the integrated design of object-oriented programs with algebraic specification techniques.
Formal Specification of Programming Languages: A Panoramic Primer
The first unified reference on the subject, Mining Software Specifications: Methodologies and Applications describes recent approaches for mining specifications of sof
Constraint Programming Languages: Their Specification and Generation
Software -- Programming Techniques.