This unprecedented collection of 27,000 quotations is the most comprehensive and carefully researched of its kind, covering all fields of science and mathematics. With this vast compendium you can readily conceptualize and embrace the written images of scientists, laymen, politicians, novelists, playwrights, and poets about humankind's scientific achievements. Approximately 9000 high-quality entries have been added to this new edition to provide a rich selection of quotations for the student, the educator, and the scientist who would like to introduce a presentation with a relevant quotation that provides perspective and historical background on his subject. Gaither's Dictionary of Scientific Quotations, Second Edition, provides the finest reference source of science quotations for all audiences. The new edition adds greater depth to the number of quotations in the various thematic arrangements and also provides new thematic categories.
CHAOS Adams, Henry Briefly chaos is all that science can logically assert of the supersensuous. The Education of Henry Adams The Grammar of Science (p. 451) . . . Chaos was the law of nature; Order was the dream of man.
Morgan, Frank We are just beginning to understand how geometry rules the universe. American Mathematical Monthly Review: The Parsimonious Universe (p. 376) Volume 104, Number 4, April, 1997 Russell, Bertrand It was formerly supposed ...
Adams , Douglas . Life , the Universe and Everything . Harmony Books , New York . 1982 . Adams , Douglas . Mostly Harmless . Harmony Books , New York . 1992 . Adams , Douglas . The Restaurant at the End of the Universe .
Students can use the book to increase their understanding of the complexity and richness that exists in scientific disciplines.
Adams, Abby. The Gardner's Gripe Book. Workman Publishing, New York. 1995. Adams, Douglas. Dirk Gentley's Holistic Detective Agency. Simon and Schuster, New York. 1987. Adams, Henry. The Education of Henry Adams.
This book brings together over 1,100 quotes pertinent and illuminating to engineering, technology and architecture.
It brings together the best expressed thoughts that are especially illuminating and pertinent to the disciplines of probability and statistics. The book is an aid for the individual who loves to quote – and to quote correctly.
Adams , Douglas . Mostly Harmless . Harmony Books , New York . 1992 . Adams , Douglas . The Original Hitchhiker Radio Scripts . Crown Publishers , Inc. , New York . 1985 . Adams , Franklin . Tobogganing on Parnassus .
Some quotations are illustrated by amusing cartoons. The book is completed by a bibliography and indexes. The bibliography is useful for readers who want to search for more details about the quotations listed.
... Gaither and Alma E. Cavazos-Gaither, eds., Gaither's Dictionary of Scientific Quotations (New York: Springer Science and Business Media, 2012), 1460. Soon and Yaskell, The Maunder Minimum, 2. Ibid., 9. For a detailed discussion of ...