Rates of childhood obesity are alarmingly high and increasing each year. Studies have shown that obese children are more likely to become obese adults and are likely to suffer with numerous health consequences like coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, and Type II diabetes, among others. Studies also indicate that television viewing and exposure to advertising for food products influences children's attitudes toward, food preferences and food purchase requests for foods with low nutritional value. It is important to better understand the role of media in childhood obesity and to learn how media may be used to address this issue in a positive way. This book focuses on communication and media research that can have an impact on reducing childhood obesity. Emphasis is placed on topics related to how the media communicate health-related messages about food, nutrition and diet that influence childhood obesity. Particular emphasis is on the new media, given the fact that media now have more central roles in socializing today’s children and youth than ever before. Advertising and marketing messages reach young consumers through a variety of vehicles – broadcast and cable television, radio, magazines, computers through the Internet, music, cell phones – and in many different venues – homes, schools, child-care settings, grocery stores, shopping malls, theaters, sporting events, and even airports. In addition, given the disparity in obesity rates between children of color and the general population, special attention is given to research on media targeting these populations.
... research has been conducted in the context of developed markets in the West , but Sara Kamal points to the ... Advances in Communication Research to Reduce Childhood Obesity . New York : Springer , forthcoming . Gentile , M. C. ( 2010 ) ...
Sukki Yoon, Sangdo Oh. Collaborative Obesity Research Network. Kunkel, B.L., J.C. Wilcox, P.S. Edward, S. Linn, and P ... Communication 56, no. 3:560–84. Macklin, C. 1994. The effects of an advertising retrieval cue on young children's ...
Exploring both the theoretical and the applied aspects of the role ethics plays in marketing, this Handbook analyzes key issues in order to advance our understanding and provide an overview of the state of the art in this vital field.
... researchers. In: Williams JD, Pasch KE, Collins CA (eds) Advances in Communication Research to Reduce Childhood Obesity, pp 221–242 Morton H, Stanton R, Zuppa J, Mehta K (2005) Food advertising and broadcasting legislation—A case of ...
Integrating recent research and existing knowledge on food marketing and its effects on the eating behaviour of children, adolescents, and adults, this timely collection explores how food promotion techniques can be used to promote ...
This book is a practical reference for clinicians caring for racially and ethnically diverse adolescents seeking to effectively identify and address the social structures and factors that influence their health and well-being to promote ...
Cheng, Kotler, and Lee publish their book Social Marketing for Public Health: Global Trends and Success Stories. Donovan and Henley publish the second edition of their book Principles and Practice of Social Marketing: An International ...
A Plan for Measuring Progress Institute of Medicine, Food and Nutrition Board, Committee on Evaluating Progress of ... in a recent updated report by the Federal Trade Commission on food marketing to children and adolescents (FTC, 2012).
In Soda Politics, the 2016 James Beard Award for Writing & Literature Winner, Dr. Marion Nestle answers this question by detailing all of the ways that the soft drink industry works overtime to make drinking soda as common and accepted as ...
This Handbook explores the complex relationship between marketing and social responsibility, with a focus on marketing as a driver f