The first edition of Comprehensive Handbook of Psychopathology was published in 1984, al most a decade ago. In the interim there has been an explosion of information in psychopathology. Proliferation of knowledge has included a widening base of research data and changing or new concepts and theories regarding classification, measurement methods, and etiology of abnormal behaviors and mental disorders. It has been an active and productive period for biological and behavioral scientists and clinicians, particularly in terms of changing notions of the complex interaction of environmental and biological factors in many disorders. For example, with the classic disorders-such as anxiety and dissociative disorders-our understanding, while far from perfect, has been greatly enhanced in recent years. Whereas there was almost a vacuum of empirical knowledge ten years ago about the personality disorders, concentrated efforts have been undertaken to investigate classification, comorbidities, and expression of the personality disorders, and variants in normal personality traits. In addition, scientific advances in the fields of behavioral medicine, health psychology, and neuropsychology have greatly contributed to our knowledge of psychopathology and the interplay of psychobiological factors. It is now commonly acknowledged that psychopathology is not limited to the traditional mental illness categories; it also plays a significant role in many physical illnesses, such as cancer and AIDS. With these developments, it became clear that the first edition of this handbook was outdated and that a revision was needed.
This state-of-the-art volume also includes the latest research on the major disorders and discusses the three most popular treatment approaches.
Research on James's (1998) conditional reasoning measurement system suggests that it meets these criteria. Measuring Implicit Cognitions via Conditional Reasoning The conditional reasoning approach to measuring implicit cognitions is ...
In E. F. Wagner & H. B. Waldron (Eds.), Innovations in adolescent substance abuse intervention. Oxford, England: Elsevier. Macgowan, M. J., & Wagner, E. F. (in press). Iatrogenic effects of group treatment on adolescents with substance ...
Rooted in Das's theory of emotion, the AOS is a mathematical equation for estimating an individual's propensity to foster ... produced significantly higher mean AOS scores compared to “property offenders” (e.g., larceny, bad checks).
This state-of-the-art volume also includes the latest research on the major childhood disorders and discusses the three most popular treatment approaches.
The practical implications of this finding are that interpretations are likely to be most accurate and most consistent with theory when clusters of subtests are arranged according to these constructs (Flanagan & Kaufman, 2004; Keith, ...
The Comprehensive Handbook of Personality and Psychopathology presents the foundations of major theories of personality. Volume 1 describes specialized theoretical models and demonstrates the impact that personality has on functioning.
Personality and Everyday Functioning covers the foundations of personality theory and the impact of personality on normal functioning.
The convergent and divergent validity of the BDI-II also appears to be well supported. The BDI-II correlates significantly with other indices of depression and depression-related constructs, including the BDI-IA (r .93; Beck et al., ...
This volume, sure to become a classic in the field, provides a state-of-the-art overview of the field of personology, including personality theory, taxonomy, and assessment; diagnosis and treatment of personality disorders; and the ...