With the end of the Cold War, the death of Communism, and the decline of Socialism, what are the primary issues, ideologies, and parties that now structure politics? Melzer, Zinman, and Weinberger have compiled essays from prominent experts to examine the politics of the past to help plot the political future. The first half of the volume addresses OIdentity PoliticsO and OBig GovernmentO and their respective places in the shaping of the United States political environment since the end of the Cold War. The second half of the volume focuses on the political climate in Western Europe, Russia, India, and China.
This book recaptures this dramatic struggle, beginning with the immigrant Jewish, Irish, and Italian women who flocked to Edward Filene's famous Boston bargain basement that opened in 1909 and ending with the Great Inflation of the 1970s.
Essays on the Political Culture of Twentieth Century America Bruce J. Schulman ... religion to many forms of the institutional innovation, public relations, popular culture, and media savvy that are identified with American modernity.
Ambiguous Imperialism: American Foreign Policy and Domestic Politics at the Turn of the Century
Rude Republic sets the political parties and their noisy and attractive campaign spectacles, as well as the massive turnout of voters on election day, within the communal social structure and calendar, the local human landscape of farms, ...
Explores the history of the American rich, from the founding of the nation to the present day, exposing a detrimental political pattern that has hindered the democratic process and profoundly impacted the nation's economy.
Investigates the relationship between 19th-century political events and attitudes and prophetic propagandistic, and revolutionary literary expression.
The Political Agenda at the Turn of the Century: A Search for Alternatives
18. Gould, Grand Old Party, 14. 19. Quoted in Michael F. Holt, The Political Crisis of the 1850s (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1978), 154. 20. Holt, Political Crisis of the 1850s, 51–52. 21. Jefferson, Portable Thomas Jefferson, 214–15.
This book makes a major contribution to the study of community power, of urban and regional history, and of public policy.
The Politics of Veteran Benefits in the Twentieth Century provides a large-scale map for a research field with a future: comparative veteran studies.