A Field Guide to Stone Artifacts of Texas Indians identifies and describes more than 200 dart and arrow projectile points and stone tools used by prehistoric Native Americans in Texas.
STEINER A small, serrated, triangular point that has short projecting spurs at various intervals along the recurved lateral edges. The small, barbed shoulders flare outward, and the stem varies from mildly expanding to rectangular.
This comprehensive book contains illustrations and photographs of artifacts, sites, and digs in progress and surveys the most important archeological sites, described in lay terms.
Campbell, T. N. “The Payaya Indians of Southern Texas.” Southern Texas Archaeological Association, Special Publication No. 1, 1975. Campbell, T. N ., and T. J. Campbell. “Historic Indian Groups of the Choke Canyon Reservoir and ...
This comprehensive volume explores in detail the varied experience of native peoples who lived on this land in prehistoric times.
A guide to the projectile points that can be found in the Midwestern United States.
A definitive resource draws on the expertise of a leading expert and dedicated collector, providing more than 12,000 actual-size illustrations for identification and a complete market review that explains how to obtain, grade and classify a ...
In The Settlement of the American Continents, edited by C. Michael Barton, Geoffrey A. Clark, David R. Yesner, and Georges A. Pearson, pp. 173-176. University of Arizona Press, Tucson. MacDonald, George F. 1985.
Jack Hranicky is a retired U.S. Government contractor, but he has been involved with archaeology as a full-time passion for over 40 years.
Describing the technology, the equipment, the analysis and interpretation necessary to produce usable results and full of examples from GPR projects throughout the world, this book also details advances in computer simulation, statistical ...
... logical positivism, which was suspicious of entities like culture that lie behind observables. According to Godfrey-Smith (2003:582–86), for logical positivists “the sole aim of science is to track patterns in experience.