The Milwaukee Journal reporter who broke the Dahmer story spans the entire case, describing the dramatic scene when police first entered Dahmer's apartment; the fascinating science of forensics and how it was used to identify 16 victims; Dahmer's childhood; the personal stories of the victims' families; and much more. 16 pages of photographs.
Jeffrey Dahmer: The Gruesome True Story of a Hungry Cannibalistic Rapist and Necrophiliac Serial Killer is a book that recounts the tale of the Milwaukee Cannibal, a man capable of committing the most truly degrading acts on his victims ...
Reentry planning for offenders with mental disorders.
The Engaging Police in Immigrant Communities (EPIC) project highlights promising practices that law enforcement agencies nationwide are using to build effective police-immigrant relations.
Blurring the Boundaries: Convergence of Mental Health and Criminal Justice Policy, Legislation, Systems and Practice