"This acclaimed teacher resource and course text describes proven ways to accelerate the language and literacy development of young children, including those at risk for reading difficulties. The authors draw on extensive research and classroom experience to present a complete framework for differentiated instruction and early intervention. Strategies for creating literacy-rich classrooms, conducting effective assessments, and implementing targeted learning activities are illustrated with vivid examples and vignettes. Helpful reproducible assessment tools are provided. Purchasers also get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. Subject Areas/Keywords: assessments, at-risk students, beginning readers, CCSS, classroom environments, classrooms, Common Core State Standards, differentiated instruction, early childhood reading, early literacy, ELA, emergent, English language arts, foundational skills, interventions, kindergarten, language, literacy development, preschool, prevention, programs, reading difficulties, response to intervention, RTI, struggling, teaching, writing Audience: Preschool and kindergarten teachers; reading specialists; school and child care administrators; instructors and students in early childhood education and early literacy"--
Taking professionals and students step by step through conceptualizing, planning, and implementing an effective early literacy program, this book focuses on preventing reading difficulties and promoting success in at-risk 3- to 5-year-olds.
Without a question, this text will be the most talked about resource for prospective teachers of children from birth to age eight.
Finally--one concise book to show educators which early literacy research really warrants attention, why it's so important, and how to help young children learn to read in real classrooms. This...
The best-selling source of inspiration for early childhood professionals designing learning environments; updated with all new photographs and fresh content
Designed to be scholarly in content and grounded in research and at the same time be practical and usable for day care workers, classroom teachers, and curriculum specialists, this book...
[Responding to a student with her hand raised] Grace: It's like the Jewish people's Halloween. Leona: You go to schul...[said quietly] Teacher: Oh! That's why the masks then. Leona: It's not like Jewish people's Halloween.
This book presents essential information for understanding and implementing the core components of an Early Reading First program: Designing early childhood programs of excellence School-parent partnerships Oral language development ...
Home visitors also practice incidental teaching, as they find opportunities in their interactions with families to encourage literacy-enhancing activities as a part of daily life. By doing so, visitors model incidental teaching by ...
Which research-based best practices should be represented? Early Literacy Materials Selector (ELMS)-the first dedicated evaluation tool for early childhood literacy materials-provides all the answers.
High-quality preschool programs are essential to improving children’s outcomes in reading achievement and leveling language and literacy disparities among students from diverse backgrounds. Grounded in state-of-the-art research evidence, this practice-oriented...