This book has been replaced by Assessment for Reading Instruction, Fourth Edition, ISBN 978-1-4625-4157-7.
Invernizzi, M., Meier, J., & Juel, C. (2007). PALS 1–3: Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening 1–3 (6th ed.). Charlottesville: University of Virginia. Invernizzi, M., Sullivan, A., Swank, L., & Meier, J. (2004).
... the ability to apply word-attack skills to connected text, comprehend text, and express that comprehension using both oral and written expression develop more slowly (K. A. D. Stahl & Keane, 2010; K. A. D. Stahl, Keane, & Simic, ...
(A special type of biography, an autobiography, is written by a person sharing his or her own life story.) A well-written biography can give readers a peek into the real lives, locations, and times of a person, making his or her ...
Widely adopted for course use, this trusted teacher guide combines crucial background knowledge with hands-on tools. In a large-size format for easy photocopying, the book features more than two dozen reproducibles.
This book offers teachers and administrators alike a clear path to helping students meet those expectations. This book is a co-publication of ASCD and ILA.
The Teaching Reading Sourcebook, updated second edition is an indispensable resource that combines evidence-based research with actionable instructional strategies.
Gives middle school teachers a range of tools to help monitor literacy behavior continuously as they teach, as well as conduct periodic assessments for accountability.
New to This Edition *Chapters on new topics: building multicultural classrooms, Black girls’ digital literacies, issues of equity and access, and creating inclusive writing communities. *New chapters on core topics: academic language, ...
... illustrated by Leonard Jenkins, copyright © 1998 by Kimberly Willis Holt, text. Used by permission of G.P. Putnam's Sons, a division of Penguin Young Readers Groups, a member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 345 Hudson St., New York, ...
This edition features a new chapter, case studies from all grade levels, and 15 reproducible forms and checklists for optimizing reading assessment efforts.