This authoritative work brings together leading play therapists to describe state-of-the-art clinical approaches and applications. The book explains major theoretical frameworks and summarizes the contemporary play therapy research base, including compelling findings from neuroscience. Contributors present effective strategies for treating children struggling with such problems as trauma, maltreatment, attachment difficulties, bullying, rage, grief, and autism spectrum disorder. Practice principles are brought to life in vivid case illustrations throughout the volume. Special topics include treatment of military families and play therapy interventions for adolescents and adults.
"The most brilliant and intuitive, as well as the clearest written, work in this field. It is unpretentious yet clearly the most authoritative work that has been published.
vanFleet & l. guerney (eds.) ... Stanley, J. c., & campbell, d. T. (1973). ... vanFleet & l. F. guerney (eds.), Casebook of filial therapy (pp. 49–64). Boiling Springs, Pa: Play Therapy Press. Terr, l. (1990).
This new edition will incorporate the relevant research that has taken place since the publication of the previous, and includes new sections on supervision of play therapists, legal and ethical issues, and multicultural considerations in ...
Educational Research, 14, 157–163. Erford, B. (2011). Group work: Processes and applications. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. Erikson, E.H. (1964). Childhood and society (2nd ed.). Oxford: W.W. Norton. Fall, K., Holden, J., ...
Introducing a practical model of play therapy for traumatized children Some of the most rewarding work a therapist can do is help a child recover from a traumatic event.
Pout-pout fish and the big big dark. New York: Macmillan Children's Publishing Group. Duncan Edwards, P. (2003). The worrywarts. New York: HarperCollins Emberley, E. (1992). Go away, big green monster. New York: Little, Brown.
Eastman (1994) proposed that aggressive acts are triggered by anything that threatens to lower the sense of status and control, such as challenges to one's power base, including not being able to have one's way, having to follow a class ...
A thorough revision of the essential guide to using play therapy in schools Fully updated and revised, School-Based Play Therapy, Second Edition presents an A-to-Z guide for using play therapy in preschool and elementary school settings.
Edited by internationally renowned leaders in the field, this book is the first of its kind to look at the use of a multi-theoretical framework as a foundation for practice.
In. L. Reddy, T. Files-Hall, & C. Schaefer (Eds.), Empiricallybased play interventions for children (pp. 3–10). Washington DC: American Psychological Association. Reddy, L., Spencer, P., Hall, T., & Rubel, E. (2001).