To be successful, teachers of English in grades 6–12 need more than basic content knowledge and classroom management skills. They need a deep understanding of the goals and principles of teaching literature, writing, oral discourse, and language in order to make sound instructional decisions. This engaging book explores the pedagogical foundations of the discipline and gives novice and future teachers specific guidance for creating effective, interesting learning experiences. The authors consider such questions as what makes a literary text worth studying, what students gain from literary analysis, how to make writing meaningful, and how to weave listening and speaking into every class meeting. Professional learning and course use are facilitated by end-of-chapter reflection questions, text boxes, and appendices showcasing exemplary learning activities.
Enter Sharon Taberski's classroom and enter a world where children take pride, take risks, and most of all, take reading seriously. It's not utopia by any means; Sharon deals with...
On Solid Ground is informed by current thinking, yet loaded with advice, booklists, ready-to-use reproducibles, and - of course - the words and work of real children.
In the second part of the book, the author argues that Christianity has drifted away from the true ministry of Jesus, replacing his core message of love with errant institutional doctrine. [Emerick] singularly focuses on the sayings of ...
In Solid Ground, celebrated Buddhist teachers Sylvia Boorstein, Zoketsu Norman Fisher, and Tsoknyi Rinpoche use their diverse wisdom to address the immediate and practical concerns of our lives, including individual crises as well as the ...
This book issues an invitation for us to build our lives on bedrock, to search for truth, even when it is hard to find, rather than give in to the temptation of a superficial utilitarianism that ignores life's most important questions.nk ...
" With a natural storyteller's voice and conversational style that draws the reader in and pulls us gently along, he conveys his view that the journey beyond the mind, to the solid ground of being, will bring full satisfaction to life.
People always have questions about the BibleHow reliable is it? How did it develop? This collection of articles, by some of the best Christian minds, shows how trustworthy scripture really is.
Something to think about Noted author and communicator James L. Johnson tells of his experience as a young journalist in Africa , sent out to " observe " the tribal people . Since he was editing a magazine for them , his superiors ...
If only Robert McNamara had known the Law of Solid Ground, the War in Vietnam, and everything that happened at home because of it, might have turned out differently.
Dr. Joel Beeke had never read this until I sent it to him one morning. Two hours later he wrote the following: "This is Monod at his best.