Consuming Fire ... Light of Love: Thirty-One Days of God's Glorious Light

Consuming Fire ... Light of Love: Thirty-One Days of God's Glorious Light
Devotional exercises
Carol Delvic Burchett


Many Christian books today are written mainly to provide doctrinal information or instruction on conduct. These purposes give us more knowledge about Jesus, but do not provide a personal introduction to the God of the universe, who loves us with an unconditional love. Our Maker—who created time, space, matter, and existence—is a caring God, who wants us to know Him as intensely as He knows us. Carol Delvic Burchett’s Consuming Fire … Light of Love is a thirty-one-day devotional work written to guide you into a more personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Each day’s entry is separated into three parts: an exhortation, a poem, and a prayer. These are accompanied by Scripture verses depicting the intimacy of God’s presence. Burchett gives God the full and complete glory He is due and provides you with guidance designed to bring you into a closer and more intimate relationship with almighty God. So many Christians sincerely long for a deeper and more powerful encounter with God, one that captivates their hearts and leads them to personally seek His face and listen for the sound of His voice. Consuming Fire … Light of Love conveys the reality of God’s infinite light embodied in His immeasurable love and allows you to encounter this glorious Savior in a new way as His heart is revealed to you.

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