This next installment in the Read and Reflect series will dive into the lyrics of classic Christian hymns, and give the reader reflection questions, bible study questions, and prayer prompts based around the lyrics.
Classic Christian hymns affirm and proclaim eternal truths. This book furthers an appreciation of how God's Word serves as the foundation for the hymns of the Church which have stood the test of time and are loved by many.
In Unwearied Praises, readers are invited to reflect upon the experience of classic hymns as a doorway into the historic beliefs and spiritual insights that have defined Christianity for centuries.
Titles: * All Creatures of Our God and King * Be Thou My Vision (with Amazing Grace) * Blessed Assurance * Come, Thou Almighty King * Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing * For the Beauty of the Earth * My Jesus, I Love Thee * This Is My ...
A must-have source for any celebration, from weddings and Christmas to christenings and funerals. This inspiring collection includes traditional and modern favourites, such as Jerusalem, Hark!
This book is filled with fresh ideas for church services and recitals, and as in previous volumes, each arrangement is preceded by an introduction from the arranger with background on the hymns and personal insights.
Titles: * Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee * For the Beauty of the Earth * All Creatures of Our God and King * This Is My Father's World * Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
Discover fascinating facts and inspiring stories behind hymns and the men and women who wrote them. This book is also a valuable source of illustrations for pastors and music ministers.
Contents: * Come, Thou Almighty King * Cross of Christ Medley * The Love of God * Medley of German Hymns * Praise Him, Praise Him * Shall We Gather at the River? * There Is a Happy Land * This Is My Father's World.
Author Daniel Partner delves into the deeper meaning of the great hymns, creating devotional readings that inform and inspire.
An exciting collection of fourteen traditional hymns are combined with your favorite classical works. Perfect for preludes, offertories, postludes, recitals, weddings, teaching, or personal enjoyment.