Unveiling Mysteries In Sexual Intercourse: Truths About Sex

Unveiling Mysteries In Sexual Intercourse: Truths About Sex
Body, Mind & Spirit
Xlibris Corporation
Timothy P. Ngwana


Sex education, for long, has been a taboo subject in our societies. Most parents are always shy to give their children any little information they know about sexual intercourse. Many schools give that which they know but in a wrong way. Instead, they somehow condone to students indulging in sexual intercourse as an adventure. The church that could give the truth, gives it poorly. This lack of communication has given the enemy the opportunity to manipulate people through sex that leads to their doom. I say lack of communication because despite the education many have acquired so far, sexually related diseases and disasters have led and are still leading many people quickly to their graves and many married couples do not enjoy God’s ordained purpose of sexual intercourse in their homes. We cannot afford to ignore this, knowing that sex is one of the fundamental issues of life. Amongst the ten major stimulus of the body, scientifically, it has been proven that sexual drive is the greatest. Due to too many sexual disasters in our societies today, many people may ask; why is it that God created sexual intercourse? Let me tell you. Any thing created by God is for the good of man, but only becomes bad when misused. Through this book, I will attempt to wipe away indulgence in ignorance from you by unveiling God’s purpose for sexual intercourse. There is a mystery about sexual intercourse that many people have not yet known. God says: my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Reading this book will clear that ignorance and you will not enter into sexual activities for the sake of adventure or experiment. You will also know the consequences of wrong sexual relationships and the solutions to liberate yourself if you are in such bondages. This book is a product of many years of experience and research.

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