I had a religion professor at Brigham Young University who often asked, What is the best kept secret of The Mormon Church? After declaring all answers amiss he would make this statement; The best kept secret of The Mormon Church is the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Over the years of teaching gospel doctrine I have found his statement to be all too true. Despite their best study efforts and the abundance of scriptural resources, many members do not understand some fundamental and extremely important doctrines. I invite you to feast with me upon the meat of more exalted concepts.
This book comes out of years of reflection, failures, and some successes in the task of reaching out to others with the gospel.
This book comes out of years of reflection, failures, and some successes in the task of reaching out to others with the gospel.
This book comes out of years of reflection, failures, and some successes in the task of reaching out to others with the gospel.
And, in fact, the answer to our struggles has been hiding in plain sight all along. "A marvelous journey to discover your identity in Christ and how to live by grace. Reading this book will be one of the best decisions you've ever made!
This practical guide to the biblical art of sharing your faith offers refreshing insight into the many ways, spoken and silent, that all Christians can be involved in spreading the good news about Jesus.
The answer may surprise you. One hundred years ago, Satan buried the crucial key needed to unlock the unbeliever’s heart. Now Ray Comfort boldly breaks away from modern tradition and calls for a return to biblical evangelism.
" Evangelicals have reduced the gospel to the message of personal salvation. This book makes a plea for us to recover the old gospel as that which is still new and still fresh.
In this book, Tim Savage presents a renewed vision of life by examining the fullest life ever lived: the life of Jesus Christ.
Wayne Adams introduced Wally to Dale Sedoo who owned a raisin dehydration facility in Yettem, California. Dale offered his dehydrator for six weeks in the summer (his off-season). This was to be the seasonal home of Gleanings for the ...
The great theme of this book is the unveiling , the disclosure of Jesus Christ . The apostle John , exiled in his ... The Jesus of the Bi- ble is the church's best kept secret , and I found myself beginning to fall in love with Jesus .