Have you ever thought what the world would be like if I didn’t carry that sack and make that sleigh ride each year? I know one thing; there wouldn’t be a need for a Naughty and Nice list anymore. Can you imagine all those children and their sad little faces? I could never give up this cause because the children are so angelic with those bright and cheery smiles when they look at you or the presents you leave on Christmas morning. -- Santa Claus
Baum, L. Frank, The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus (Indianapolis: Bowen-Merrill, 1902). ... _____, “Christmas in America: Christmas Comes to America From the Pen of Thomas Nast, Part One,” The Glow 29, no. 1 (February 2008), 5–9.
A World of Cookies for Santa is a multicultural celebration that families will return to year after year. Winner of the American Book Fest Best Book Award and the Moonbeam Book Award!
Santa lays the last present beneath the last Christmas tree and returns weary-eyed to the North Pole-to the surprise of a lifetime.
Santa's parents think their little one is absolutely wonderful, even though he has a booming voice instead of a baby's gurgle, loves to stand in front of the refrigerator, gives his birthday presents away, trains his hamsters to pull a ...
An illustrated encyclopedia for children which covers such topics as science, history, technology, geography, and world records.
These days, Mandy works at a year-round Christmas store in Tall Pine, California, where customers love to hear about her childhood encounter with Saint Nick.
An enchanting holiday treasure, The Autobiography of Santa Claus combines solid historical fact with legend to deliver the definitive story of Santa Claus.
The book moves children from receiving gifts to experiencing the joy of giving. It includes an official keepsake certificate for joining the Santa Club and a link to the club online.
"Read this book and learn how returning to your childhood can make you a better adult-and a better leader." — Ken Blanchard, New York Times bestselling author of The One Minute Manager This compact book presents leadership concepts in a ...
If you are looking for an interactive I Spy book for kids then this fun activity book is perfect for you.