7 for Life

7 for Life
Jim McGrew


After 45 years of loving and serving our Heavenly Father and Jesus our Lord, which included the writing of "God's Love in 3-Dimenisions" in 2007, I have been led by a heartfelt love to share 7 complete steps to completing God's love, and our life in Christ our Lord. The 7 steps are based on the clear and concise messages and teachings of Jesus, empowering us through His Holy Word and Holy Spirit to our divine created purpose and destiny. Thanks be to the Lord our God for the achievement in the writing of "7 for Life." The writing has taken over a year's work and I have prayed daily for God's divine guidance in writing "7 for Life." I now pray each day and ask you to join me that "7 for Life" will have God's approval and blessings, and tht the lord will make the writing of "7 for Life" a blessing and ministry to His Kingdom.

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