Dead Right

Dead Right
Dead Right
David Carr


Dead Right is a novel based around the life of a homicide investigator with the New York City Police Department. The story is a snapshot of one week of his life that defines Jay Vincent as a detective. The department has closed his last case prematurely, at least in Jay's mind. There are loose ends and unanswered questions that he feels still need to be looked at. But, Jay is forced to move on to other investigations. It's at this time, Jay gets a call from a friend in the FBI-Ed Cooper-to consult on an investigation in Miami. Jay's supervisor-Captain Burke-doesn't want to release him from his responsibilities in New York. So, Ed Cooper uses his contacts at the Bureau to go over Burke's head. In Miami, Jay finds himself squarely in the killer's path. What he thought would be a few days of fun in the sun turns out to be the biggest challenge of his career to date. The city of Miami is turned upside down as the killer releases his vengeance on the local police. Just as Jay and Cooper think they have a handle on this situation, the case goes off the rails. No target is out of reach for this suspect. Even working in concert with the FBI and the locals, the case turns on Jay's ability alone. The unanswered question now is whether Jay will be coming back from Miami.

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