This is the first book of a remarkable memoir of a Special Assistant to President John F. Kennedy. Known familiarly as Bertie Mac, he reported directly to the President and his office was in the West Wing of the White House. Prior to achieving that position, he had been betrayed by his own government - the United States - and handed over to the Soviets. He was tortured in the Lubyanka Prison in Moscow before being covertly rescued by two high ranking Soviet Generals (at great risk to themselves) who wanted to convey information directly to the White House to try to avert a nuclear confrontation they believed to be imminent. They believed that he would be a uniquely reliable conduit of information between the U.S. and the Soviet Union as he deeply mistrusted both governments and therefore had absolutely no motivation to "color" any information he might transmit. Bertie Mac coined the term "Back Channel" and served as a direct communication link between the White House and the Kremlin during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Bertie Mac is a patriot, a soldier, a spy and an assassin. He served in all four roles during his time under President Kennedy - who became his friend and confidant. You will see the Soviet Union, the White House, Camelot, Vietnam and the conspirators behind the assassination of the President in a very new light and watch history as it was being made. Bertie Mac served under and reported to nine U.S. Presidents. This book is the first in the series. It is heavily documented with photocopies of documents which, though now declassified, originally bore the very highest of security classifications - Top Secret/ Sensitive/ Eyes Only. The documents are indisputably authentic and reveal the real facts that the American (and world) public never knew. Back Channel recounts the first stage of a totally fascinating journey.
The Pursuit of Power: Leadership Selection in the United States
Congress enacted the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA) in 2002, in response to terrorism insurance becoming unavailable or, when offered, extremely costly in the wake of the 9/11 attacks.
Studying Asia Pacific Security: The Future of Research, Training and Dialogue Activities
With these questions in mind, the Strategic Studies Institute and Dickinson College's Clarke Center co-sponsored the series of lectures on American national security after the Cold War which are contained in this volume.
At my disposal , I presently have surrounding your own rebel troops the following capability : thirty - three supply trucks ; fifteen M1A1 Abrams tanks ; twelve 155mm Howitzers , each with twelve rocket tubes ; fourteen M2 Bradley ...
The field of grand strategy is exceptionally American-centric theoretically, methodologically and empirically.
The 6th edition of National Security Law not only updates the leading casebook in this field with recent developments, but adds new chapters on extraterritoriality, cyber operations, bulk collection, the structure of habeas, and the ...
National Security Law and Counterterrorism Law: 2017-2018 Supplement
National Security Law, Fifth Edition and Counterterrorism Law, Second Edition, 2015-2016 Case Supplement
New to this edition: Attorney General's Guidelines for Domestic FBI Investigations (Oct. 2008) Ashcroft v. Iqbal (S. Ct. May 18, 2009) Al Maqaleh v.