Much has been said about the law of attraction and some have called it “the secret”. However, this topic is only a secret for those that didn’t know it yet as it has been mentioned and used for thousands of years. Most of the information is kept under the cover of faith and religious believe, and many have used this knowledge to control people and lead them within political agendas; others have used it for personal gaining while hiding it from everyone else. Whatsoever is the case there’s still plenty to learn about the law of attraction or the law of dream manifestation. Most books discussing it will show strategies, techniques and methods to obtain what we wish for in our life but they still hide the main secrets. These Authors show us what to do but not how it works, why it works or the purpose of its existence. After decades of personal studies on spirituality, a simplification within a specific theory was possible to explain more than anyone ever said about this issue. This book doesn’t intend to represent any religious dogma in particular and was written based on the insights from several spiritual believes, ancient and modern, as well as known and secret to the public. Religion promotes a life philosophy and, although very misleading, also talks about universal truth. This paradigm is being noticed by modern science, which in some fields attests the dogma and in others reveals its fallacy. We’re now much closer to know what is true, false or merely half-true. Quantum Physics, for example, is still at its starting point but much has explained already. Willing to describe a more complete understanding matching all these subjects, the Author will here reveal what he knows with a reasonable and humble perspective based on personal experiences. This book will not make any promises regarding becoming a millionaire or famous and none of the theories here exposed are immune to failure. Instead, it will explain how personal and spiritual growth matches the law of attraction and how we can understand life and the changes in our reality better while applying the necessary responsibility we must have as the spiritual beings that we are. The following chapters are supported by the Author’s background and studies in Religious Societies, Greek Philosophy, Chinese Philosophy, Modern Psychology and Psychopedagogy, related to the mechanism of life and the anatomy of the spirit, as well as these sources’ acknowledgement in what can be applied to the law of attraction. The theory presented is complete, flexible, simple and practical, allowing an easy assimilation to any lifestyle. With this knowledge the reader will have the power to change reality and manifest his own desires, while understanding all the dynamics involved in such process. The major success of the first edition wasn’t expected but the Author took into consideration all kind opinions and uplifting reviews to improve this second edition and make it even more powerful and accessible to anyone. You have now in your hands a book that has been recommended by famous Entrepreneurs as being in the same level as Napoleon Hill “Think and Grow Rich” and Wallace D. Wattles “The Science of Getting Rich”, both books that inspired the movie “The Secret” and all the speakers in it. But also a book that climbed rapidly into the Bestsellers list of Amazon soon after being published for the first time. This is truly the most revealing book about the Secrets behind “The Secret”.
During our ride, they discussed MTV's rumor that 'N Sync star Justin Timberlake had assaulted a female fan. Mollie has been to two 'N Sync concerts, ...
Around Mabon, you may start to notice frost forming on the ground ... or quality of yourself you'd like to strengthen and incorporate it into a ritual.
It is the living Spirit of God. In Healing Thoughts, author Marjorie Daun Timberlake-Linton shares that when there is a conscious realization of the presence and power of God within, we can handle any situation that confronts us.
Finding happiness, peace, and purpose really can be as simple as changing our minds. This little book will show you how. “Change Your Mind and Your Life Will Follow tells the truth and tells it well.
En esta exquisita recopilacion, las palabras de Virginia Woolf, Joan Baez o Carlos Castaneda vienen acompanadas de reflexiones profundas y enriquecedoras. Cada pagina sera un rayo de luz y un oasis de serenidad para tu nuevo dia.
Oggi è un nuovo giorno. Meditazioni giorno per giorno per donne che vivono momenti difficili
Robson proposes to present the relics to the British museum at London upon his return to Liverpool.” Investigations into this story by journalist N.L Hills revealed that it is unlikely that this story was a hoax as there really had been ...
Guy Gibson wasa different brandof celebrity. He came to prominence during the Second World War, after leading the 1943 raid againsttwo hydroelectric dams in industrial Germany, using speciallydesigned bouncing bombs.
Judy Hall's Complete Crystal Workshop is interactive, practical, and includes a step-by-step learning program to guide you toward the profound wisdom within crystal lore.
In this book, best-selling occultist and crystal expert Judy Hall provides a basic primer on crystal skulls: What they are Where they are found Their role in legend and lore around the world Their uses for physical and psychic healing Also ...