Matthew Johll’s Exploring Chemistry overs the standard topics for the nonmajors course in the typical order, but each chapter unfolds in the context of a single case study that helps students connect what they are learning to real-life situations. For example, students work through the often-difficult topics of molecular structure, gas laws, and organic chemistry by learning about the development of powerful new chemotherapy drugs, new technologies for screening airline passengers, and the creation of biodegradable biopolymers. It's the same same case-driven approach that Johll uses in his acclaimed Investigating Chemistry (now in its Third Edition) but Exploring Chemistry goes beyond the other book's specific focus on examples from forensic science to use real-life stories from cooking, athletics, genetics, green chemistry, and more.
Exploring Chemistry with Electronic Structure Methods
This lab manual is organized and written to make the experiments more applicable to users' daily lives. This approach also serves to make the experiments more understandable. New updated...
... 79t rhodium-106 half-life of, 344t ribose, 392,393f ribosome, 400 rice, 393 Richey, Kenny, 253–254, 272, 278–279, 283 rock candy, 165f Rosenberg, Barnett, 18, 131–132, ... s electrons, 135, 135f s orbitals Sphere-shaped orbitals, ...
This book presents an exciting and intriguing tour through the realm of chemistry as each chapter unfolds with facts and stories about the discoveries and discoverers. Find out why pure gold is not used for jewelry or coins.
Exploring Creation With Chemistry
Introduce your children to the fascinating world of chemistry and physics!
The DNA-encoded library they used is previously undisclosed and appears to be an N-terminally capped dipeptide linked to DNA via its C-terminus. This library library tors bind yielded yielded to an allosteric Compound Compound site (1) ...
This book explores chemical bonds, their intrinsic energies, and the corresponding dissociation energies which are relevant in reactivity problems.
Exploring Chemistry with Electronic Structure Methods: A Guide to Using Gaussian
Loose-Leaf Version for Exploring Chemistry & Launchpad for Exploring Chemistry (1-Term Access)