Written specifically for the AP® Environmental Science course, this text is designed to help you realise success on the AP® Environmental Science Exam and in your course by providing the built-in support you want and need.
In the new edition, each chapter is broken into short, manageable modules to help students learn at an ideal pace. Do the Math boxes review quantitative skills and offer you a chance to practice the math you need to know to succeed.
Crane 1 2 3 4 5 6 FIGURE 16.16 A municipal mass-burn waste-to-energy incinerator. In this plant, MSW is combusted and the exhaust is filtered. Remaining ash is disposed of in a landfill. The resulting heat energy is used to make steam, ...
REA's AP Environmental Science Crash Course is the first book of its kind for the last-minute studier or any AP student who wants a quick refresher on the course. /Written by an AP Environmental Science teacher, the targeted review chapters ...
Ace the 2021 AP Environmental Science Exam with this comprehensive study guide--including 3 full-length practice tests with complete explanations, thorough content reviews, targeted strategies for every question type, and access to online ...
Friedland and Relyea Environmental Science for AP*
... PhD, McNeese State University Rich Poirot, Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation * Bradley R. Reynolds, University of Tennessee, Chattanooga Amy Rhodes, Smith College * Marsha Richmond, Wayne State University Sam Riffell, ...
Features of this study guide include: a focused review of every topic on the AP exam, expert test-taking tips, a realistic full-length practice exam with answer key and thorough explanations, important graphs, charts, and diagrams, and a ...
Ace the AP European History Exam with this comprehensive study guide--including 3 full-length practice tests, thorough content reviews, access to our Student Tools online portal, and targeted strategies for every section of the exam.
A Btu is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 pound of water by 1°F. 1 watt is approximately 3.4 Btu/hr. 1 horsepower is approximately 2,540 Btu/hr. 12,000 Btu/hr. is referred to as a “ton” in many airconditioning ...
The study guide contains a detailed reading guide for students to use as they study the chapter with between 100 and 200 comprehension questions per chapter.