In every chapter of this bestselling text, students will explore the latest developments and current events that are rapidly changing the media landscape.
People make media, media takes up two-thirds of our waking hours, media impacts our lives; it is critical to understand how the media work and why, to grasp the global nature of communication, and to assess media messages to attain media ...
These two volumes are aimed at the following five major target audiences: University and College Students Educators, Professional Practitioners, Research Personnel and Policy Analysts, Managers, and Decision Makers, NGOs and GOs.
An introduction to the field of mass communication, covering all the major media, from books, magazines and newspapers, to radio, film, TV, cable and the new technologies. Illustrated with examples...
Mass communication channels include newspaper and magazine publishing, radio, television, film, and the Internet. Mass Communication: Issues
Brown, A. S., & Logan, C. (Eds.). (2005). The psychology of The Simpsons. Dallas TX: Benbella. Brown, D., & Bryant, J. (1983). Humor in mass media. In P. E. McGhee & J. H. Gold- stein (Eds.), Handbook of humor research (Vol. 2).
This text is ideal for upper-level courses in mass communication and media theory, media and society, mass communication effects, and mass media history.
... Science (San Francisco: Chandler Publishing Company, 1964). For an exposition of the nature and advantages of theories formulated as sets of systematic and linked axiomatic propositions, see George Caspar Homans, ...
This unique volume brings together original essays by well-known mass communication experts--master teachers--who provide practical information on teaching the communication and journalism courses in which they specialize.
When Justin Timberlake distributed a picture of himself voting in Memphis, he was among the most visible individuals potentially facing charges for violating state law.1 The law in Tennessee and 17 other states prohibits voter selfies ...