... market democracies . Standing against the trend in political science to investigate ever - narrower questions , Lane looked at how the demands of market democracies on individuals may diminish citizens ' happiness . In The Loss of Happiness ...
This revised second edition refines discussions from the first edition, with a new chapter on how to write an original research project.
Understanding these three social scientific models and their applications helps students get the most out of their American government course and out of this text--they learn a way of thinking that they can use to make sense of future ...
In the Perigord town of St Denis, Captain Bruno Courreges is pulled from sleep by the wail of the local fire engines. A nearby barn is engulfed in flame, the surrounding fields ablaze. Everything points to arson.
An Introduction to Political Science Douglas W. Simon, Joseph Romance, Neal Riemer. U.S. Congress is one of the three powerful branches, in countries with parliamentary government the parliament is the most important and powerful branch ...
Drawing on the rich resources of the ten-volume series of The Oxford Handbooks of Political Science, this one-volume distillation provides a comprehensive overview of all the main branches of contemporary political science: political theory ...
Stephen Van Evera greeted new graduate students at MIT with a commonsense introduction to qualitative methods in the social sciences.
Political science has come so far as a discipline that different schools and scholars have different interpretations of science in the study of politics, and that diversity is important to maintain.
This book, written at the start of the culture wars thirty years ago, outlines the basic core position of political science practitioners.
Disenchanted Realists ; Political Science and the American Crisis , 1884–1984 . Albany : State University of New York Press . Somit , Albert , and Joseph Tanenhaus . 1967. The Development of Political Science : From Burgess to ...