Introduction to Law Enforcement: An Insider s View (5th Edition) is a very unique textbook. It draws upon the author s dual set of experiences as a member of the academic world and also as a sworn police officer. The author, Dr. William G. Doerner, has been a faculty member in the College of Criminology and Criminal Justice at The Florida State University, one of the premiere programs in the country, since 1977. He retired from active duty with the Tallahassee Police Department after 29 years of service as a part-time sworn law enforcement officer. Balancing these two perspectives enables readers to peek into the law enforcement world through the eyes of a cop and the mind of a professor. The book is divided into four major units. The first part, The Context of Law Enforcement, helps the reader assemble a picture of how this formal institution came into being, recognize some of the more prominent issues that surfaced with this new arrangement, assess various reform efforts, and understand how agencies are structured. The second portion, Behind the Badge, explores what it takes to become a police officer. Topics here range from how agencies select candidates from the applicant pool, what recruits experience during the police academy and rookie training phases, as well as lessons in criminal law, search and seizure, and interrogation standards. The next segment focuses on how officers work the streets. The emphasis here is on the decision-making processes that surround the arrest option and reliance upon the use of force. The final part trails officers after they complete their tours of duty and are Off the Streets. It raises questions about whether law enforcement is as stressful as some portray it, the adjustments officers must make in their personal and occupational lives, the perennial question of who polices the police, and whether policing is a profession or simply another job. The author has compiled a distinguished career in both law enforcement and academia. In addition to being decorated for meritorious service and honored by his agency as Officer of the Year, Dr. Doerner also served two terms as the editor of the American Journal of Criminal Justice. The Southern Criminal Justice Association bestowed its Criminal Justice Educator of the Year Award on him in recognition of his accomplishments in teaching, research, and service. In addition, the American Society of Victimology selected Professor Doerner as the recipient of its 2009 John P.J. Dussich Award, which recognizes excellence in research and the provision of services to crime victims over a substantial length of time. An article examining accreditation patterns among Florida municipal police agencies, published with his son who holds a doctorate in economics, recently won accolades for its incisive insights from the editors at Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management. "
David H. McElreath, Daniel Adrian Doss, Carl J. Jensen III, Michael Wigginton Jr., Ralph Kennedy, Kenneth R. Winter, ... Leaders in the profession during this period included J. Edgar Hoover, Orlando Wilson, and William Parker.
Introduction to Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
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In 1908, Nevada lawmakers organized the Nevada State Police to counter miners' strikes in Goldfield and Tonopah. The law enforcement personnel, after quieting the unrest in those two towns, were transferred to Rawhide and then to Carson ...
The Police Chief, 78, 44–56; Hennessy, S. M. (1993, August). Achieving cultural competence. Police Chief, 60, 46–54; Scott, E. L. (1993). Cultural awareness training. Police Chief, 60, 26–28. 71. Baptiste (2015) 72.
Introduction to Law Enforcement (Preliminary Edition)
Intended for courses in Introduction to Law Enforcement, Introduction to Policing, and Introduction to Criminal Justice found in the departments of Administration of Justice, Criminal Justice, Police Services, and Law Enforcement at two- ...
This work provides an overview of law enforcement and policing within the context of the criminal justice system. This edition is perfect for beginning students and exposes them to the basic concepts of the law enforcement system.
Introduction to Law Enforcement (First Edition)