Despite the fact it seemed like Base Masters was all over Sterling Shore, I'd never really known much about him, aside from random factoids.
If you like laugh-out-loud romantic adventures where the courageous and ingenious nerd gets the girl, you'll love the Nerd Series. THE NERD SERIES The books in this series are standalone romances and can be read in any order.
Coming closer and closer until I couldn't ignore the scuffed brown loafers that had entered my personal space. “All those groceries in your basket—are you here with your boyfriend?” I narrowed my eyes. “I'm here with my shopping list.
She went through the beaded curtain that served as my closet door and returned with a light brown leather pair. “I'm glad the uniform doesn't stipulate footwear. At least my feet get to have personality.” I straightened the waist of my ...
An illustrated overview of the physical world that uses infographics and provides facts and information on the connections between the Earth, people, power, and industry.
This book extends Debbie Diller's best-selling work on literacy work stations and classroom design to the field of mathematics.
I, Noralee Reynolds, lead the ultimate nerd life.
But when some nasty unfinished business puts them at risk again, Gen will learn there’s nothing quite as dangerous as a fully aroused ex-nerd who’ll move heaven and earth to protect the woman he loves… From the Paperback edition.
(Pearson Education India, 2011), p. 46. 11—Cognitive Biases and ... Thomas Gilovich, How We Know What Isn't So: The Fallibility of Human Reason in Everyday Life, reprint edition (New York: Free Press, 1993). Ben Tappin, Leslie Van Der ...
Full list of triggers for the included stories can be found inside the book, however readers should proceed with caution as this anthology may contain material that people could find offensive. Available for a one month only.