... of southern Italy, were people who spoke Oscan and the other Italic dialects, which were related to Latin, and yet quite distinct from it. In the seaports of the south Greek was spoken, while the Messapians and Iapygians occupied ...
The Cum-Constructions: Their History and Functions—Part II: Constructive
... soft , gentle 61 moméntum , -i ( n ) , a short period of time , a ( short ) distance móneo ( 2 ) , to advise , warn mons , -tis ( m ) , mountain , hill monumentum , -i ( n ) , monument , tomb , reminder , token 54 mórdeo , -dére ( 2 ) ...
Ecce Romani: Teacher's Guide Level I
Preparatory Latin
10.181.02 , equos et canes et sues initum matutinum adpetere , feminas autem post meridiem 10.212.02 , praeter hominem somniare equos , canes , boves , pecora , capras palam est : 11.233.08 / similiter canes .
Latin et langues techniques
Fuß ) , scheint mir die Kritik von Catlow 1980 , 36 f . an R. Schilling , La veillée de Venus ... 222 Vgl . hierzu L. Bieler , The Life and Legend of St. Patrick , Dublin 1949 , 38 . 223 AH 51 , 340 ff . Zur Metrik vgl .
Latin Syntax and Semantics
Study Guide
Juristenlatein: 2800 lateinische Fachausdrücke und Redewendungen der Juristensprache