Aye, death it dealt to many, scattering fire as well as missiles at the foe; a fire they could not quench; and in the air it circled drawing breath from body; fire so dense with smoke and pungent smell the smitten died ere word could ...
DIVLeading authority examines facts and fancies behind the Atlantis theme in history, science, and literature.
Dive deeper than ever before and discover the origins of The Man from Atlantis. When TV unveiled the series Man from Atlantis no one knew the how, where and why of Mark Harris.
[Ivan Roe, 1917- J 12712 When the Moon died; a modern novel of science and imagination. Ward, Lock, London, 1955, 189p, Cloth, ... [Lone Pine #8] SAXON, PETER, house pseud, [see also Martin Thomas and W. Howard Baker] 12719 Black Honey.
When Lamar Jimmerson "comes across a little book crammed with Atlantean puzzles, Egyptian riddles, and extended alchemical metaphors," he's convinced that he is called to lead the Gnomon Society in...
Man from Atlantis
This book is an attempt to demonstrate several distinct and novel propositions. These are: 1.
Imperialistic England has driven the French from Atlantis and seized the continent's eastern coastal town, prompting Victor Radcliff, leader of the revolutionaries, to preserve the freedom of the Atlantean people at all costs.
Explains, in graphic novel format, the legend of Atlantis.
Atlantis and Other Places includes twelve amazing stories of ancient eras, historical figures, mysterious events, and out-of-this- world adventures from the incomparable Harry Turtledove.
Chronicles the history of the planet's eighth continent, Atlantis, a land-mass that lies between Europe and the East Coast of Terranova, a world that long has lured dreamers and visionaries from around the globe who are willing to brave the ...