With the accelerating rate of cultural exchange, many aspects of cultures around the world have mingled with each other. As a result of such integration of numerous cultures, foods from different countries also combined into one, a type of food that is now called "fusion food." The most fascinating facet of fusion foods is that they emphasize benefits of both eastern and western foods. Health benefits of Western foods, which contain much protein and fats, can be intensified when they are fused with Eastern foods that are based on vegetables.Because I became more and more interested in fusion foods due to their nutritional values, I tried a considerable number of fusion food recipes at home. As I was cooking, I realized it would be better to share the recipes with others and inform them about health benefits ofsome ingredients in each food. Consequently I began to research about scientific basis for ingredients that are especially helpful for our bodies.In the process of writing this book with the initial motivation, however, I also learned that some ingredients complement other ingredients. In other words, some ingredients especially strengthen health benefits of other ingredients as a result of biochemical interactions between them. Since knowledge about such combinations of ingredients is useful in cookingother foods, I also decided to include the information as well.The ten recipes for fusion foods, most of which are combinations of Korean foods and Western foods, are not only based on common ingredients, but also very easy to follow. The page next to each recipe includes information about health benefits of three selected ingredients.In addition to individual explanations, biochemical analyses about interactions between two ingredients are also provided below each explanation. I hope my analytical studies will help those who are also interested in health effects of ingredients and biochemical mechanismsin cooking.