Humans are naturally wired to solve problems. Implement the right solutions and the problems generally go away. Paradoxes are quite different. They consist of opposites that do not appear to be able to coexist, but must. Most of the issues that keep organizations from achieving strategic success are not problems, they are paradoxes. Practical approaches to address our most important paradoxes do exist. By reading this book you will learn how to address the paradoxes commonly encountered in organizations and in life. Getting Unstuck: Using Leadership to Execute Paradoxes with Confidence will teach you how to balance key paradoxes to achieve greater long-term growth and enhanced sustainability than those who rely on financial data and problem solving methods alone. It addresses the issues that are the most troublesome to people and the organizations they work for. Describing how to think and work more strategically, the book introduces the language and tools you need to share innovative approaches to dilemmas within your organization and to develop better working relationships, both internally and externally. It provides a practical and powerful platform to help you develop new possibilities and achieve your strategic objectives. You will learn how to see conflict with a fresh set of eyes, how to redefine your roles, and how to become more effective professionally and personally. If you have experienced trouble implementing strategic objectives, difficulties getting people from different parts of your organization to work together; if you want to achieve a higher level of success, if you feel stuck, then read this book. Filled with examples of real-world paradoxes, it supplies valuable insights into the root causes of workplace conflicts to help you execute change with greater confidence and effectiveness.
In this book, you'll: Learn how to recognize the state of psychological impasse and use it as a springboard to real change Participate in exercises that activate your new life vision Discover how to identify the activities, rewards, types ...
How to Get Unstuck introduces readers to the ten core principles at the heart of becoming an effective person whose life genuinely flourishes and impacts others positively.
For that reason, this book is a must-have for any ACT therapist.
Learn where the boundaries should be drawn between yourself and others and how to: Stop holding others emotional hostage Avoid turning caring into control Let loved ones find their own higher power Find your own free and peaceful life With ...
Getting Unstuck provides a groundbreaking first look at this significant, but misunderstood, mental health problem, which has gone unrecognized by the mental health community, until now.
Hedaya , Robert J. The Antidepressant Survival Program : The Clinically Proven Program to Enhance the Benefits and Beat the Side Effects of ... decreasing stress , and dealing with drug side effects while you are on antidepressants .
You’ve got to get unstuck. In Getting Unstuck, Bob Sullivan and Hugh Thompson show the different kinds of plateaus that can hold you back and how they can be overcome.
Champion carpenters and champion surgeons and champion elementary school teachers are working at this moment, offering a combination of expertise won through years of effort and flashes of intuitive insight.
When you finally unstick and get to revel in being free, believe me, you will always want to stay that way— and I want to help you do exactly that. I don't want you to fall back into that mess of exhaustion, overwhelm, confusion, ...
So at one point I was sitting around thinking about titles, and I said to Danny Levin, my initial contact at Hay House, “Well, how about if we just call it Unstuck?” And he came back with, “How about Getting Unstuck?