Ideas are the currency of the twenty-first century. In order to succeed, you need to be able to sell your ideas persuasively. This ability is the single greatest skill that will help you accomplish your dreams. Many people have a fear of public speaking or are insecure about their ability to give a successful presentation. Now public speaking coach and bestselling author Carmine Gallo explores what makes a great presentation by examining the widely acclaimed TED Talks, which have redefined the elements of a successful presentation and become the gold standard for public speaking. TED ? which stands for technology, entertainment, and design ? brings together the world's leading thinkers. These are the presentations that set the world on fire, and the techniques that top TED speakers use will make any presentation more dynamic, fire up any team, and give anyone the confidence to overcome their fear of public speaking. In his book, Carmine Gallo has broken down hundreds of TED talks and interviewed the most popular TED presenters, as well as the top researchers in the fields of psychology, communications, and neuroscience to reveal the nine secrets of all successful TED presentations. Gallo's step-by-step method makes it possible for anyone to deliver a presentation that is engaging, persuasive, and memorable. Carmine Gallo's top 10 Wall Street Journal Bestseller Talk Like TED will give anyone who is insecure about their public speaking abilities the tools to communicate the ideas that matter most to them, the skill to win over hearts and minds, and the confidence to deliver the talk of their lives. The opinions expressed by Carmine Gallo in TALK LIKE TED are his own. His book is not endorsed, sponsored or authorized by TED Conferences, LLC or its affiliates.
This is the twenty-first century’s new manual for truly effective communication, and it is a must-read for anyone who is ready to create impact with their ideas.
The New York Times has called a well-told story "a strategic tool with irresistible power" - the proof lies in the success stories of 50 icons, leaders, and legends featured in The Storyteller's Secret: entrepreneurs like Richard Branson, ...
DELIVER THE PRESENTATION OF YOUR LIFE--AND LAUNCH YOUR CAREER A nonprofit dedicated to ideas worth spreading, TED challenges the world's most fascinating thinkers and doers to give "the speech of...
This book is full of examples to help you get better at transporting your thoughts and emotions into the minds of other people.” —Adam Grant, New York Times bestselling author of Give and Take, Originals, and Option B with Sheryl ...
No matter whether you are a novice presenter or a professional speaker like me, you will read and reread this book with the same enthusiasm that people bring to their iPods." —David Meerman Scott, bestselling author of The New Rules of ...
The Bezos Blueprint by Carmine Gallo reveals the communication strategies that Jeff Bezos pioneered to fuel Amazon’s astonishing growth.
This is “a fascinating tour of the psychological research on success” (The Wall Street Journal).
In this short but powerful guide, you're going to learn how to use stories to make your presentations engaging and entertaining.
How to be Heard includes never-before-seen exercises to help you develop communication skills that are as effective at home as in the boardroom or conference call.
The book offers techniques and proven tips that explain how these successful communicators connect with audiences who demand passion, inspiration, preparation, clarity, brevity, command presence, and simplicity, all delivered in a visually ...