With this new edition, The Insider's Guide to the Colleges has been, for 41 years, the most relied-upon resource for high school students looking for honest reports on colleges straight from the college students themselves. Having interviewed hundreds of their peers on more than 330 campuses and by getting the inside scoop on everything from the nightlife and professors to the newest dorms and wildest student organizations, the reporters at the Yale Daily News have created the most candid college guide ever. In addition to the in-depth profiles, this edition has been updated to include: * Essential statistics for every school, from acceptance rates to popular majors * A "College Finder" to help students zero in on the perfect school * All-new FYI sections with student opinions and outrageous advice The Insider's Guide to the Colleges cuts through the glossy Web sites and brochures to uncover the things that matter most to students, and by staying on top of trends, it gives both students and their parents the straightforward information they need to choose the school that's right for them.
However , this 31st edition of The In- special care to review our entire book to sider's Guide to the Colleges will provide ensure that it provides an accurate poryou with the tools necessary to give you an trayal of life at each of 315 ...
Now in its 27th year, The Insider's Guide to the Colleges is an intelligent, sometimes irreverent, compilation of student-written articles about every aspect of college life, from cafeteria food to...
No matter how excited , That is where The Insider's Guide fits scared , or nervous you are about the col- in . In this 30th edition , we have taken spelege process , you have begun your search cial care to review our entire book to enon ...
The Insider's Guide to the Colleges
Most college guides tell applicants what college administrators want them to know. This guide is written by college students--the people most qualified to describe what it's really like on campus.
Yale Daily News Staff. Connecticut. Connecticut. College. Address: 270 Mohegan Avenue, New London, CT 06320 Phone: 860-439-2200 E-mail address: ... Percent from Public HS: 55% Title Page Connecticut Connecticut College.
Robert Frost, Robert Frost: Speaking on Campus: Excerpts from His Talks 1949–1962, edited by Edward Connery Lathem (New York: W. W. Norton, 2009), 38. Frost's conception of “poetry” was capacious enough to include masterful prose by his ...
... and Penny Schine Gold HOW TO SUCCEED IN COLLEGE (WHILE REALLY TRYING) Jon B. Gould LIFE AND RESEARCH Paris H. Grey and David G. Oppenheimer 57 WAYS TO SCREW UP IN GRAD SCHOOL Kevin D. Haggerty and Aaron Doyle HOW TO STUDY Arthur W.
Look no further than Cincinnati. This “not-that-spread-out” campus located in scenic downtown Cincinnati, Ohio, has everything a student could want . . . at least, it will after the construction is finished.
A former admissions officer at Dartmouth College reveals how the world's most highly selective schools really make their decisions.