An intimate portrait of the first president of the 20th century The American century opened with the election of that quintessentially American adventurer, Theodore Roosevelt. Louis Auchincloss's warm and knowing biography introduces us to the man behind the many myths of Theodore Roosevelt. From his early involvement in the politics of New York City and then New York State, we trace his celebrated military career and finally his ascent to the national political stage. Caricatured through history as the "bull moose," Roosevelt was in fact a man of extraordinary discipline whose refined and literate tastes actually helped spawn his fascination with the rough-and-ready worlds of war and wilderness. Bringing all his novelist's skills to the task, Auchincloss briskly recounts the significant contributions of Roosevelt's career and administration. This biography is as thorough as it is readable, as clear-eyed as it is touching and personal.
He is not judgmental; he draws no su'eeping conclusions. Sympathetic, amused, and understanding, he is neither adoring nor worshipful.” —CAREY McWilli AMs, Chicago Sun-Times “Theodore Roosevelt is one of those figures who cannot be.
David Steigerwald, “The Synthetic Politics of Woodrow Wilson,” Journal of the History of Ideas 50, no. 3 (Summer 1989): 465–84. Herbert Croly, “The Two Wilsons,” The New Republic, vol. 7 (September 9, 1916): 129.
This book, the only full study of TR’s pre-presidential years, shows that he was an inevitable chief executive. “It was as if he were subconsciously aware that he was a man of many selves,” the author writes, “and set about ...
Theodore Roosevelt: An Intimate Biography
In Lion in the White House: A Life of Theodore Roosevelt, historian Aida Donald masterfully chronicles the life of this first modern president. TR's accomplishments in office were immense.
The Life of Theodore Roosevelt: Twenty-fifth President of the United States
Theodore Roosevelt was thrust into the presidency after William McKinley's assassination in 1901.
ABC News legal correspondent and host of LIVE PD Dan Abrams reveals the story of Teddy Roosevelt’s last stand—an epic courtroom battle against corruption—in this thrilling follow-up to the New York Times bestseller Lincoln’s Last ...
Theodore Roosevelt (1858–1919) was America's most published president with an incredible output of writing including forty books, over a thousand articles, and countless speeches and letters.
I appreciate the help I got—often in the form of Xeroxed articles or proofreading—fro|n Sarah Phillips, Amy Iohnson, Dan Schneider, Ieanne l..aSaffre, Morey Rothberg, Connor Cooper, ...