Nancy Pfister, heir to Buttermilk Mountain, the world-renowned site of the Winter X Games, was Aspen royalty, its ambassador to the world. She lived among the rich and famous: she partied with Hunter S. Thompson, dated Jack Nicholson, had a joint baby shower with Goldie Hawn, and globetrotted with Angelica Houston. She was also a philanthropist, admired for her generosity. But behind the warm façade, she could be selfish, manipulative, and careless. Pfister enjoyed bragging about her wealth and celebrity connections, but those closest to her, like Kathy Carpenter, Pfister's personal assistant, drinking companion, and on one occasion lover, knew better. In 2013, after a long fall from grace, Dr. William Styler and his wife, Nancy, relocated to Aspen to reinvent themselves. They'd lived the high life before a misguided lawsuit left them near poverty, and Nancy Pfister was their answered prayer. She took them in, gave them a place to live, and allowed them to launch their new spa business. Everything seemed perfect until Pfister turned on them, making increasingly irrational demands and threatening to throw them out on the street. When Nancy was found beaten to death in her own home, the Stylers and Carpenter were all under suspicion for the gruesome murder. But in this close-knit, wealthytown set on keeping its reputation and secrets safe from the public eye, the police struggled to solve the mystery of what really happened.
Modern, original fiction for learners of English.
This book illuminates the complex reasons behind that failure through the incredible story of what has been called the greatest rescue of Allied airmen from behind enemy lines in World War II history, a rescue executed, incredibly, with ...
The Shadow on the Mountain takes her back to face the tragedy, intrigue and bloodshed that she has to endure alone once more to save the life of a lost love.
Syria; history; Civil War, 2011- ; victims stories.
In the Shadow of the Mountain
The Hobbit (Arabic Edition)ByJ. R. R. Tolkien
إنه أشبه بمشهد أوبرالي مهيب يحف به حرس من فرقة أكلة لحم البقر، مصطفا على جانبي السلالم المؤدية إلى القاعة، وحرس آخرون اعتمروا خوذاتهم في مؤخرة القاعة. ويحضر رئيس مجلس...
حدث لم يسبق له مثيل في عالم النشر على الصعيد العالمي: للمرة الأولى، يكتب سجينٌ يومياته وهو لا يزال رهن الاعتقال في غوانتانامو. +++ منذ عام 2002 وحتى هذه اللحظة،...
What is life like in the shadow of the mountain? Such questions have long been taboo within the international world of mountaineering. Now Maria Coffey breaks this silence.
The second of the three sections, Shadow, delves into the various characteristics associated with shadows as imagery and ... The third and final section of the book, Mountain, celebrates the various characteristics associated with the ...