Someone administered an overdose of pure heroin to a Congressman's teenage son and daughter, Helen and James. Their tragic deaths activated a huge interstate manhunt to find their killer, stimulated forcibly by the White House and intimidated by the Media. The Chief of Police and the New York Mayor decided that two Homicide detectives be assigned to work alongside two of the top Special Agents of the Drug Enforcement Administration. Special Agents Ashley Reed and Max Cutter started their hazardous journey and vigilant surveillance to uncover an opulent International Narcotic Organization of drug Traffickers, dealers and street pushers. All masterminded by the Sicilian Mafia. Their base of operations stems from an "Out-post" so named by the D.E.A. To a few of the police Precincts in and around the Big Apple who were unable to combat the increasing drug related crimes. A transmission of accumulated and potent psychedelic synthetic drugs and others commonly used are included for educational purposes, as are the psychedelic experiences of some of the victims that suffer macabre hallucinations. Included in this thrilling action packed and humorous novel, are some Explicit Sexy Sections, (substantially in Chapter 18). In addition, a very passionate entwined romantic love between Ashley and Laura, whose separation strikes heavily in both their hearts. ADULTS ONLY.
If That's What It Takes
If That's What It Takes
A book of poems created to produce; A Sparkles Production, -The Story of My Life.
"1982, New Zealand.
About the Book Ember: Light .
This Christmas season, Christina Grey Cooper has finally accepted that her marriage to her college sweetheart Dare is over.
... if that's what it takes to flee the wrath to come , to get shaped up and properly adjusted , or if that's what it takes just to escape the crisis of the moment , so let it be . We have our little rituals and our traditional securi- ties ...
The Kidnapped Christmas Bride – Jane Porter Trey Sheenan has risked and lost everything - his freedom, his fiance McKenna Douglas,and his infant son TJ. McKenna has loved Trey since they were kids, but she’s had enough.
From 1964 through 1982, Minnesota lost nearly a third of its farms; in response to this crisis the Minnesota Farm Advocates was formed, to educate farm families and empower them...
Selected papers are as follows: "Evolving Policy Paradigms and Legislative Implications for Vocational Assessment Services" (LeConte et al.); "Integrating Academic Competencies in Vocational Assessment, Education, and Training" (DeMoss, Horvath); "Americans...