Solid Gold Fishing in the Mother Lode

Solid Gold Fishing in the Mother Lode
Sports & Recreation
William Allen Heinselman


(Basic to Advanced) Solid Gold Fishing in The Mother Lode is all about catching fish: record-size largemouth and smallmouth bass; trout; catfish; kokanee; crappie; land-locked striped bass; and king salmon. Through a lifetime of fishing experiences,the author haslearned the knowledge and transferredyears ofhis techniques and strategy to details in this book. Still-fishing, jigging, trolling, bank-fishing, night-fishing, lure casting, its all here, and plenty more!Your final results will be a fun day, with a limit of fish! This book has flow and heart and names fishing locations and products thatWilliam, personally,is successful with. And talk about dozens and dozens of good tips, this book is a "cover-to-cover school book" when it comes tosuccessful fishing techniques. Another purpose of Solid Gold Fishing in The Mother Lode is to get people out of the house and into the natural wondersthat ourMother Lode countryside offers. Plenty of wide open spaceswill give your body and mind a place to relax. Spend a day or a weekend enjoying the historyof the small towns. Visit the museums and antique shops to get a first-hand look at the products used back in the gold-rushera. Finally, yes this book delivers good, solid details, on ways toattract fish and get them to strike your bait or lure. But, not all of the book is advanced fishing. Included, isa chapter just for the kids and parents to get them catching immediately, and in a way that saves parents money! Oh yea, do you like hiking and camping when you fish? Dont worry, hiking and camping is included for your convenience. Now its up to you. Come on, have fun!

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