Settled as a maritime and agricultural colony, North Carolina's history has always been intertwined with agriculture and farming. After the Civil War, North Carolina became the nation's top grower of tobacco, and one of the country's largest tobacco companies--the American Tobacco Company--flourished from the huge quantities of Eastern North Carolina-grown tobacco that was purchased. With the growing success of cotton farming and other crops and livestock--including corn, peanuts, and hogs--the region was particularly rich in subsistence farming. Over the course of the 20th century, farming and agriculture went through tremendous change. The familiar landscape of cotton and tobacco began to shift and include more varied crops, such as soybeans and sweet potatoes. At the same time, hand tools were exchanged for tractors and combines. Eastern North Carolina Farming showcases the rich history of this agriculturally dynamic region while telling the individual stories of farmers who grew for families, markets, and distribution.
This book explores a local iteration of a profound human experience: the transformation of agriculture.
in 1887, north Carolina, as part of an effort to shift the focus of attention away from Virginia, formed its first association: the north Carolina Tobacco association. Captain Parrish was instrumental in this and served on the committee ...
Eddie Porter, a professional gambler, arrived at the village of Fallston, North Carolina in 1930 with the rarest of commodities: money.
You can find my favorite recipes and easy preparations for cooking fish and seafood in The Saltbox Seafood Joint Cookbook. Aside from my professional advocacy of North Carolina seafood, I also practice what I preach at home.
There is Elsie Herring, the most outspoken of the neighbors, who has endured racial slurs and the threat of a restraining order to tell the story of the waste raining down on her rooftop from the hog operation next door.
Gilliam JMJones JA, Field WE, Kraybill DB, Scott, SE. Farm‐related injuries among Old Order Anabaptist ... Forward K, Chan M, Stewart TC, Gilliland J, Campbell C, Fraser DD. Injury analyses in rural children: ... PhD dissertation.