Essence of Love: no data

Essence of Love: no data
Family & Relationships
Author House
Carol Louise Taylor


Hi , "I " am Carol LouiseTaylor, Author of Essence Of Love. I , Carol , wrote this book straight from my heart and soul, with as much Love as I could possibly think of for the buyer , reader.I am full of Love ,but I wanted to share my feelings with the world as perfectly as I could think of .This is my first publication, but I gave all here , and hope you Love it as much as I do. I am a woman who went through absolute terror as a child , my thoughts still full of the memories of my mothers murder and my abduction, but i grew strong from all he abuse , became a fighter , and survivor but also a winner . My reason for witing this book is because I believe in Passion, and lots of it .Passion for life , passion for Love , Passion for family , Passion for relationships budding , but also Passion for a reader that enjoys great artistic poetry. I hope what I have written will help make families stronger , relationships more passionate and Loving , to last and hold for a Lifetime , but to also make the reader believe , that Love is real , and reachable if you realy want to accept and believe,but open your heart and soul, and receive. I , Carol believe in forever Love in a relationship, and I want to help the readers of my book believe that it is true , that Love is real and alive , but sometimes , you have to work a little harder to succeed and thus , grow continually together , even after the children are grown and gone. I, Carol, have another book to follow soon called Whipers of Feathers , but it is a bit more emotional, touching down on the fact of child abuse , and victims of rape , and how to grow strong afterwards , with Love in your soul ,but also to make you a survivor , and winner in life . I was very abused as a child , and as a woman , and I came out strong , fighting my way , because I was an avid reder , loved school, and was determined to make a difference somehow in this world of hate , greed, and abuse. Love is my guiding light , and will always be , as I so believe that in your soul, you were born with all the right tools to become exactly what you want , and to become strong , and prosperous in Love and Life. I , Carol, sincerely pray , that you Love my book , Essence Of Love , as much as I loved writing it for the people of this great Country of America href="http://[email protected]">http://[email protected] , and countries abroud.I feel if you share Love , you receive Love , and a circle of life is complete. I , Carol, also dedicated this book to our men and women in uniform , fighting for the rights and freedom of the people , where ever it is needed , here, or abroud in other coutries .I wrote this in the hopes that it would help bring our men and women in uniform home safely. Thank you , all my readers , and I hope I am able to sign a million copies over the next couple of years , I dream of the day I will be there , with my readers , signing . Sincerely , with lots of Love , Carol Louise Taylor but better known as [email protected], God bless you all and bring Love to each that buys this book., and the next to come.

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