The papers comprising this second volume of Human Behavior and the Environment represent, as do their predecessors, a cross section of current work in the broad area of problems dealing with interrelation ships between the physical environment and human behavior, at both the individual and the aggregate levels. Considering the two volumes as a unit, we have included papers covering a broad spectrum of problems ranging from the theoretical to the applied, and from the disciplinary-based to the interdisciplinary and professional. Approxi mately half of the papers are written by psychologists, with the remainder coming, in part, from such other disciplines as sociology, geography, and from such diverse applied and professional fields as natural recreation, landscape architecture, urban planning, and opera tions research. The volumes thus provide an overview of work on current topical problems. Yet, as the field is developing, specialization is inevitably increasing apace, and the editors as well as the publisher have become convinced of the desirability for futu're volumes in this series to be organized along topical lines, with successive volumes devoted to different aspects of this rather sprawling field. Thus, Volume 3, currently in the planning stage, will be devoted exclusively to the interaction of children with the physical environment, considered from diverse viewpoints, again including authors from diverse fields of specialization.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Cummins, L., Byers, L., and Pedrick, L. 2011. Policy Practice for Social Workers: New Strategies for a New Era. London: Pearson. Davis, K., Leijenaar, M., and Oldersma, J., eds. 1991. The Gender of Power.
We believe that this volume will serve a useful purpose in helping to integrate the find ings and concepts in this presently somewhat fragmented field, scat tered as they are over a very diverse array of publications representing a ...
It also takes into account the expected and unexpected stresses, challenges, and life tasks that can influence development within social environments."--BOOK JACKET.
We believe that this volume will serve a useful purpose in helping to integrate the find ings and concepts in this presently somewhat fragmented field, scat tered as they are over a very diverse array of publications representing a ...
The book will be of great use to behavioral scientists, sociologists, community health and social workers, and professionals involved in the designing of environment, such as city planners.
This addition to Anissa Rogers' bestselling Human Behavior in the Social Environment expands the original text with new chapters on spirituality, families and groups, organizations, and communities.
A helpful instructor's manual accompanies this text, and is available as a free download from
In the Fifth Edition of her acclaimed text, Elizabeth D. Hutchison explores the multiple dimensions of both person and environment and their dynamic interaction in the production of human behavior.
This volume responds to the needs of students and instructors as these have developed since the publication of the previous edition.
This book is intended for the second sequence of the course. It takes a unique approach by incorporating international issues of globalization, which has been an emerging issue in social work.